Castor Oil: Your Gateway to Radiant Health and Spiritual Renewal

Castor Oil: Your Gateway to Radiant Health and Spiritual Renewal

Castor Oil: Your Gateway to Radiant Health and Spiritual Renewal

palma christi, castor oil, edgar cayce

In the realm of holistic remedies, few substances possess the mystique and transformative potential attributed to castor oil. Revered for centuries across cultures, its remarkable properties have been extolled by healers, herbalists, and mystics alike. Among these luminaries, none perhaps have delved as deeply into its therapeutic secrets as the renowned clairvoyant and visionary healer, Edgar Cayce. In this article, we embark on a journey to uncover the profound insights Cayce provided about castor oil and its life-changing benefits.

Understanding Edgar Cayce

Before delving into the specifics of castor oil, it’s essential to grasp the significance of Edgar Cayce’s contributions to holistic healing. Born in 1877, Cayce possessed an extraordinary gift of clairvoyance, often dubbed as the “sleeping prophet.” Throughout his life, he entered trance-like states wherein he provided detailed readings and diagnoses for thousands of individuals seeking his guidance. These readings covered diverse topics, including health, spirituality, and personal development, earning Cayce a revered status in the realms of alternative medicine and metaphysics.

Castor Oil in Cayce’s Readings

Among the myriad remedies recommended by Cayce, castor oil occupies a prominent place. Across numerous readings, Cayce emphasized the profound therapeutic potential of this humble oil derived from the seeds of the castor bean plant (Ricinus communis). He often referred to it as a potent elixir capable of addressing a wide array of ailments, both physical and spiritual.

The “Palma Christi” oil, as an alternative healing treatment, is in a class by itself. This single remedy provides relief and cure to over 300 aliments, and has a track record to prove it. For 6000 years it has worked magic. The story of its history is one of amazement and wonder.

The Healing Properties of Castor Oil

According to Cayce, castor oil possesses remarkable healing properties owing to its unique chemical composition. Rich in ricinoleic acid, a monounsaturated fatty acid, castor oil exhibits anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and analgesic effects. When applied topically or ingested, it penetrates deep into tissues, promoting circulation and lymphatic drainage, thus aiding in the detoxification process.

1. Detoxification and Cleansing

Central to Cayce’s teachings was the concept of detoxification as a prerequisite for holistic health. He often recommended castor oil packs—a therapeutic technique involving the application of warm, soaked flannel cloths infused with castor oil to specific areas of the body. Cayce believed that these packs facilitated the elimination of toxins, promoting organ function and overall vitality.

2. Balancing Energies

In addition to its physical benefits, Cayce also emphasized the subtle, energetic effects of castor oil. He suggested that it could harmonize imbalances within the body’s subtle energy systems, thereby restoring equilibrium and promoting spiritual well-being. This holistic approach underscores Cayce’s understanding of health as a multifaceted interplay of mind, body, and spirit.

3. Emotional and Spiritual Healing

Beyond its physiological effects, Cayce suggested that castor oil could facilitate emotional and spiritual healing. In his readings, he often recommended its use as a tool for releasing emotional blockages and promoting inner harmony. Whether applied externally or ingested, castor oil was believed to catalyse profound shifts in consciousness, fostering greater clarity, peace, and self-awareness.

Practical Application of Castor Oil

To harness the transformative potential of castor oil in accordance with Cayce’s teachings, one can incorporate various practices into their holistic wellness routine:

Extended fasting may neglect the importance of what you eat when not fasting, leading to unhealthy food choices post-fast, causing cycles of glucose flooding and depletion, and potential muscle cannibalization.

1. Castor oil packs: Apply warm, castor oil-soaked flannel cloths to the abdomen, liver, or other targeted areas for 30-60 minutes daily.
2. Massage: Utilise castor oil as a massage oil to alleviate muscle tension, promote relaxation, and stimulate circulation.
3. Oral consumption: Take small doses of castor oil orally, either alone or mixed with juice or water, as recommended by a qualified healthcare practitioner.

What Is a Castor Oil Pack and How Do You Use It?

A castor oil pack consists of cloth soaked in castor oil that can be applied to the skin. Opt for organic cotton or wool flannel, capable of absorbing significant liquid, or consider purchasing a specialised pack designed to endure the rigors of your preferred treatment.

These packs are intended for external use, with or without heat. The concept revolves around saturating the pack with more oil than you could simply apply to your skin, facilitating enhanced oil absorption.

Castor oil packs are suitable for both daytime and nighttime use. For daytime application, target continuous use for an hour. For evening use, place the pack on your abdomen before bedtime and enjoy uninterrupted sleep through the night.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What Is Castor Oil?

Castor oil, a vegetable oil commonly utilised in hair and skin care products, digestive aids, soaps, lubricants, and pharmaceuticals, comes in various types due to different extraction methods. Regardless of the type you choose, it originates from the seeds of Ricinus communis, commonly known as the castor plant.

2. What Are the Differences Between Chemical Extraction and Pressed Castor Oil?

There are several methods available today for extracting castor oil, primarily falling into two categories: chemical extraction and pressed extraction. Pressing for castor oil extraction takes various forms, but it typically involves a device that crushes seeds to extract the oil. The pressing process may utilise either low or high temperatures, depending on the desired type of castor oil.

While pressing castor seeds can yield significant amounts of oil, it generally leaves some oil behind. After the seeds are crushed, they form into a brick or cake-like substance. Companies can then extract more oil from this castor cake using a chemical solvent. Popular solvents for this process include petroleum, hexane, and heptane. The chemical extraction method enables companies to remove most of the remaining oil from the cake, allowing them to derive maximum value from their castor seeds.

3. Expeller-Pressed vs. Cold-Pressed Castor Oil

Expeller-pressed castor oil, commonly known as regular castor oil, is extracted through pressure and friction, reaching temperatures around 60 to 99 degrees Celsius. This method yields oil but leaves behind a significant amount, increasing costs. The remaining seed material can be used as animal feed.

On the other hand, cold-pressed castor oil is extracted at temperatures below 47 degrees Celsius, preserving its aroma, flavour, and natural antioxidants. This process retains more nutrients, making it ideal for skincare and haircare products, offering additional health benefits.

Both types have distinct applications: cold-pressed oils are preferable for consumption due to their health benefits, while expeller-pressed oils are faster to produce and are suitable for soaps, lubricants, and metal workings.

4. Pales-Pressed vs. Cold-Pressed Castor Oil

Pale-pressed castor oil offers an alternative to traditional pressed castor oil. Manufacturers produce this oil by utilising only the initial pressing of castor seeds, resulting in a product with fewer impurities compared to cold-pressed or expeller-pressed varieties. This freshly extracted oil boasts a pristine appearance.

In contrast to cold-pressed castor oil, pale-pressed castor oil exhibits lower acidity and a thinner consistency. Its transparent appearance makes it well-suited for applications such as printer inks and specialized machinery lubricants. Additionally, these characteristics make it a sought-after ingredient in hair and skincare products.

5. Which Castor Oil Is the Best for Health?

Look for organic, cold pressed, hexane-free castor oil in a dark, glass bottle

6. Does It Matter Whether the Castol Oil is Packaged in Plastic or Glass Bottles?

Absolutely! Castor oil should exclusively be bottled in dark / amber / miron glass containers to prevent any potential leaching of plastic particles into the oil. This precaution ensures the preservation of the oil’s purity and quality. 

7. What Is a Castor Oil Pack and How Do You Use It?

A castor oil pack comprises fabric soaked in castor oil that is applied to the skin. Choose organic cotton or wool flannel for its absorbent properties, or invest in a specialised pack designed for your preferred treatment. Avoid plastic materials like polyurethane, known for its potential toxicity to the human body.

These packs are designed for external use, with or without heat. The idea is to saturate the pack with more oil than can be applied directly to the skin, enhancing oil absorption.

Castor oil packs can be used during the day or night. For daytime application, use continuously for an hour. For nighttime use, apply the pack to your abdomen before bed for uninterrupted sleep.

8. Does Applying Heat Make the Castor Oil Pack More Effective?

Yes. Placing a hot water bottle or heating pad over the castor oil wrap will help the oil penetrate more deeply and enhance its effectiveness.

9. Where Can Castor Oil Packs Be Applied on the Body?

Castor oil packs can be applied to your liver, thyroid, back, lower and upper abdomen, as well as anywhere you experience aches and pains.

1. Abdomen: to enhance digestion, alleviate constipation, decrease bloating, relieve menstrual cramps, reduce the size of fibroids and cysts, and detoxify the liver and intestines.
2. Lower back:
to alleviate pain, inflammation, and muscle spasms.
3. Chest:
to alleviate congestion, cough, and inflammation in the lungs and bronchial tubes.
4. Thyroid gland:
to support its function and reduce nodules and cysts.
5. Breasts:
to improve lymphatic drainage, reduce tenderness, and shrink cysts.

10. Can Castor Oil Packs Be Shared Between People?

From a hygiene standpoint, it is not recommended to share your castor oil pack.


In the annals of holistic healing, the teachings of Edgar Cayce continue to inspire seekers on their quest for optimal health and spiritual enlightenment. Through his profound insights into the therapeutic properties of castor oil, Cayce illuminated a path towards profound healing and transformation. By embracing the wisdom he imparted, we can unlock the life-changing benefits of this mystical elixir, fostering greater vitality, balance, and well-being in our lives.

Empowered Beauty: Embracing a Holistic Lifestyle for Radiant Skin

Empowered Beauty: Embracing a Holistic Lifestyle for Radiant Skin

Empowered Beauty: Embracing a Holistic Lifestyle for Radiant Skin

Empowered Beauty

In the pursuit of beauty, women often find themselves navigating a sea of skincare products, unaware of the hidden dangers lurking in their seemingly harmless lotions and potions. This no-nonsense article aims to shed light on the unfiltered truth about toxic ingredients and preservatives in skincare, exposing their direct link to skin conditions and hormonal issues in women.

The Chemical Culprits

Let’s get straight to the point – many skincare products are loaded with toxic chemicals. Parabens, phthalates, sulfates, and artificial fragrances may promise instant results, but the long-term consequences are anything but pretty.

1. Skin Conditions Unmasked: 

Acne, Inflammation, and Clogged Pores: Synthetic additives like sulfates and mineral oils commonly found in skincare can exacerbate acne issues. The irony is, these products marketed to clear your skin might be contributing to the very problems they claim to solve.

Insulin Resistance and Skin Tags: Dark patches, skin tags, and acanthosis nigricans may not just be aesthetic concerns. These could be red flags indicating underlying issues like insulin resistance. It’s time to connect the dots beyond the surface.

2. Hormonal Havoc: 

Endocrine Disruptors in Disguise: Phthalates, parabens, and triclosan – these may sound like jargon, but they’re disrupting your endocrine system, throwing your hormones off balance. It’s a direct assault on your body’s natural harmony.

Reproductive Health on the Line: Long-term exposure to these chemical assailants has been linked to reproductive health issues. Conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and endometriosis might be silently brewing beneath the surface.

Every day, we encounter a whopping 80,000 toxins in our environment. The ones that hit us the hardest? The ones we eat and slather on our skin. They're the real game-changers.

Empowering Action

This isn’t just bad news; it’s a wake-up call. It’s time to take charge of your skincare routine with a no-nonsense, informed approach.

1. Decode Labels Like a Pro: 

Flip that bottle and read the label. If it reads like a chemistry experiment, put it back on the shelf. Say no to parabens, phthalates, sulfates, and anything that sounds like it belongs in a laboratory.

2. Opt for Clean, Natural Alternatives:

Nature has your back. Embrace skincare products with natural, organic ingredients. Aloe vera, chamomile, and essential oils offer a powerful arsenal against toxins without compromising your health.

3. Holistic Habits for a Balanced Life:

True beauty doesn’t reside in a jar. It starts with what you eat, how you move, and how you manage stress. Adopt a holistic lifestyle that nourishes your body, mind, and spirit.


Take charge of your health – no more beating around the bush. Your skin and hormonal balance deserve more than what the marketing hype offers. Bid farewell to the toxic skincare routine; instead, welcome clean alternatives with open arms. Unleash your natural beauty – it’s time for a no-nonsense approach. Seize control over what touches your skin and influences your well-being. The power is squarely in your hands – make your choices wisely.

You wield the authority over your health; there’s no room for being a victim. As a formidable woman armed with knowledge, you possess the capability to chart a course towards fantastic health and radiant skin. Embrace the strength that comes with understanding your body, and make choices that resonate with your overall well-being.

Cracking the Code: This Makes a Woman Irresistible

Cracking the Code: This Makes a Woman Irresistible

Cracking the Code: This Makes a Woman Irresistible

saying no makes a woman irresistible to men

I don’t think there’s anything more attractive to a man than a sophisticated woman who knows how to say no. Males compete for status, and the essential dimension of competition that differentiates them from women, I would say, is something like productive economic generosity.

It’s not like women aren’t productive, and it’s not like they’re not generous, but the ground rules are different. Women are looking to equalise the economic disparity that’s attendant upon differential costs for reproduction. So, men are evaluated on the basis of their potential for economic reciprocity and generosity, and that gives them status.

Women peel from the top of that hierarchy; basically, they let males compete it out on the economic front, and then women select from the top down. The higher the status a woman has, the higher the status of the mate that she can obtain. That brings up a question, which is, what gives women status? And that’s a really hard question because, first of all, we know that economic viability is not one of those things.

Male economic viability and sexual success are correlated insanely highly. It’s something like 6 or 7, crazily high—one of the most powerful single-variable relationships that you can find in all of the social sciences, far higher than the relationship between intelligence and life success, for example. But the correlation between female economic viability and sexual attractiveness is lower than zero, so it’s actually slightly negative. So, there’s a massive sexual dimorphism.

There's nothing more attractive to a man than a sophisticated woman who knows how to say NO.

Then you ask, well, what gives female status? And one of the answers is obviously associated with beauty and reproductive capacity and sexual attractiveness; those things all tangle together extraordinarily tightly. But that’s not the only thing. So, imagine that you have an attractive girl and a variety of relatively high-status men are chasing her.

Now you might ask, well, how do they evaluate her status? They evaluate her status by her ability to say no. So, imagine a high-status person offers himself or herself to you. If you’re of lower status, you’re going to say yes right away. But one marker of higher status is, ‘Well, no, I don’t need what you’re selling.’ But what I’m selling is great. Yeah, but I have so many offers that I’m not inclined to take your offer because I have options. And it’s ‘no’ on the part of women that signals their status.

I don’t think young women know this at all because they want to know how to compete with men, let’s say, in the power game. And that’s a tough question because women are smaller, and they’re not as physically powerful, and economic prowess isn’t as attractive to them, and it doesn’t make them more viable on the mating market. So, the whole game that women are playing is way different than the game men are playing.

You may wonder, how can women level the playing field? I believe a significant part of it lies in women asserting their right to say no. This concept is gradually gaining recognition, even among those on the far left who emphasise ‘no means no.’ However, clarity on what constitutes a ‘no’ isn’t always straightforward, especially in the context of a chaotic college party.

Yet, when a woman confidently declines advances, it adds to her allure in the eyes of men. Particularly for those considering a long-term relationship, observing how a woman responds to pressure becomes crucial. If she readily agrees, especially for high-status men, it may signal that her status isn’t as elevated as presumed; she appears unable to assert her boundaries.

Conversely, when a woman firmly refuses, even to high-status men, it prompts introspection. Her ability to resist may hint at a deeper sense of self-worth and independence, qualities that intrigue men. This dynamic is echoed in female-centric pornography, where the chase and eventual consent are central themes.

Women test men not to challenge their strength, but to gauge their self-control—the true measure of a partner's maturity and suitability.

It’s so interesting because the classic female pornographic story is, you know, there’s this extremely attractive, highly productive man who’s got a real capacity for aggression; he’s a pirate or a surgeon or a werewolf or a vampire or a billionaire. Those are the fundamental female pornographic tropes.

And he has women at his disposal, but this woman is shielded off from him, and they dance around each other for a long time, which essentially means that she’s saying no. And he’s finally enticed into a relationship with her where he sacrifices all, you know, his access to all other women. And then they have hot, steamy sex.

And so, you know, most of female pornography is extended foreplay, and that’s this romantic dance of no followed by, you know, a very spectacular consummation. And that certainly mirrors the optimal female reproductive pathway, obviously, because otherwise, it wouldn’t be the hottest pornographic fantasy.

I really think it’s based in reality. And so I don’t know how it is that you communicate to young women that, especially if they are of high female status, but even if they’re not, that the most potent tool they have in their armament with regard to status, with regard to being taken seriously, is their ability and willingness to say no.

If it’s the beautiful, high-status women who begin that trend, the rest of the women will follow because trends always start in the aristocracy and trend downwards. Now, okay, so here’s another thought, and this has to do with the built-in antagonism and hopefully eventual cooperation of the sexes on the sexual front.

So, women are checking out men all the time, and women have all sorts of tricks for doing that. They might be provocative, for example, because they want to test a man to see if he can control his temper. And no one likes to talk about that, but any smart woman is going to do that because she wants to find out if her partner—she wants someone who has the capacity for aggression, but she wants someone who can control it because a man will be provoked by children.

And if he can’t control his temper, then he’s going to be aggressive. And so, she has to check that out. And you don’t check that out by having a formal conversation; you check that out the same way children check out their parents, which is by harassing them and seeing what happens.

A man's scrutiny isn't just about attraction; it's about assessing a woman's commitment potential. Her ability to resist impulses reveals her capacity for loyalty and commitment, crucial for a lasting relationship.

Men check women out. So maybe one of the things a man wants to do if he’s going to commit to a long-term relationship is he wants to find out, well, does this woman have what it takes to actually commit to a long-term relationship? And what that means, in part, is that he has to know that she’s capable of controlling her impulsive desires, right?

Because otherwise, she’s going to stray, and that’s actually a worse problem for men than it is for women. You can tell a woman has control over her impulses if she can say no. And the girls might ask, ‘Well, you know, I gave the guy what he wanted. Why didn’t he call me?’

And the answer is, ‘No, you gave his impulsive libido what it wanted, and that’s what you established a relationship with. But you completely sacrificed any possibility at all of being attractive to his more mature and potentially long-term productive and sophisticated self.

You make yourself attractive to that by saying, “Not on your life, Joker. You know, I’m taking myself too seriously for that, and my future, and my future children, and even our future relationship.” And I don’t think there’s anything more attractive to a man than a sophisticated woman who knows how to say no.

For men, a woman who knows how to say no is at the pinnacle of desirability. They'll push the limits to gauge the strength of her resolve. Communicating this to young women is a challenge; I doubt even men can fully convey its importance.

ELIXIR333 | The Ultimate ALL-in-ONE Hyaluronic Face Serum

ELIXIR333 | The Ultimate ALL-in-ONE Hyaluronic Face Serum

Stella Young | ELIXIR333



Elixir333 | A Serum Worth the Wait

Envision a serum of extraordinary caliber that demands significant time, patience, resources, and a commitment to the ideals of craftsmanship.

This serum defies the norm of conventional beauty products, emerging as a genuine labor of love, painstakingly nurtured over an entire season. 

Achieving such excellence necessitates a substantial investment of time and resources, as well as a dedication to the ideals of craftsmanship. Shortcuts cannot be taken when insisting on creating the very best. This forms the philosophical foundation on which this product is built.

With unwavering precision and commitment, I infuse each batch with my unique personal frequency and unparalleled expertise. This is no run-of-the-mill, mass-produced skincare; instead, it stands as a resounding testament to the undeniable power of individual artistry.

It’s time to elevate your skincare routine to a higher echelon and embrace the rejuvenating potential of a solitary serum that hydrates, nourishes, and renews. Each precious drop encapsulates the essence of passion, know-how, and finesse, all dedicated to a singular purpose: bringing authentic beauty to life.

The name ELIXIR333 originates from an extraordinary production process. Each batch undergoes meticulous crafting over a whole season, resulting in only 1,000 bottles in total. With approximately 333 bottles available monthly, this limited quantity underscores my unwavering commitment to delivering skincare excellence and dedication in every precious bottle.

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My passion revolves around creating the finest facecare. I aspire to cultivate lasting connections with my incredible customers, built on the pillars of mutual respect, giving back, deep gratitude, and a shared reverence for beauty in all its forms.

Stella Young | Elixir333

24 Benefits & Features of ELIXIR333

  • Skin cell regeneration
  • Reduces the appearance of lines and wrinkles
  • Increased skin resilience
  • Promotes wound healing
  • Detoxifies the skin
  • Boosts collagen and elastin production
  • Improves skin texture
  • Incredible humectant | deep hydration that lasts all day
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Dewy and radiant skin
  • Protects existing collagen from damage
  • Hydrating micro and mini hyaluronic acid for deep penetration
  • Fast absorbing
  • Nutrients to renew and illuminate
  • Supportive plant stem cells
  • Balancing minerals & vitamins
  • Nourishing omega 3’s
  • Moisturizing fatty acids
  • Restorative phytonutrients
  • Free-radical fighting antioxidants
  • Natural, organic and luxurious anti-ageing formula for superior skin hydration
  • Ideal for all skin types | daily AM and PM use
  • Produced in small batches for outstanding quality and freshness
  • 100% natural ingredients, formulated without sulphates, parabens, phthalates, synthetic fragrance, SLSs or PEGs


I’ve captured the magic in this ultra-unique, one-of-a-kind, luxurious, organic, and exceptionally formulated youth serum. It deeply hydrates, moisturises, repairs, nourishes, protects your skin’s barrier, detoxifies and stimulates collagen & elastin to form new skin cells.

Stella Young | Elixir333



Grounded in Nature, Supported Through Science, and Inspired by Life

An exceptional, one-of-a-kind masterpiece – an all-in-one advanced cell renewal serum tailored to suit all skin types and tones.

My mission: Clean Beauty, Powerful Results!


DID YOU KNOW: The majority of skincare brands include ingredients that are endocrine disruptors – chemicals that interfere with the production, function, or breakdown of female hormones. 

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Kyla T | Bloubergstrand

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Liezel | Port Elizabeth

“Wil net vir tannie dankie sê vir die oulike verrassing wat saam met die serumpie gekom het. My ma was baie beïndruk met haar moedersdag geskenk. Sy kannie ophou spog daaroor nie 🙂 Dankie vir alles!”

Margaret S | Durbanville

“I came across your product via a referral. I have been altenating between brands such as Esse, Dr Hauschka and SKOON over the past 5 years. I started using your product over the past month and I am blown away. My skin looks and feels rejuvenated and the scent is simply bewithcing! Thanks for an exceptional product and great service.”

Thomas S | Umhlanga

“Purchased this serum for my wife and mother after doing a bit of research. They try to only use natural and organic products, so this exactly what I was looking for. Just wanted to let you know that they are very happy with their gift and keep on saying how great it smells. I agree. Definitely a winner!”

Lynn S | Parkhurst | JHB

“OMG!! This product is amazing! It truly is alchemy in an all-in-one product. I have referred my mom, sister and girlfriends to your site as we’re always sharing our amazing skin care finds. The best, cleanest serum ever!” Thanks Stella

Francesco M | Llandudno

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Melony T | Constantia

“I look forward to my new morning ritual now. It’s an aromatherapy experience that I enjoy every morning and evening. I warm it in my hands, cup it over my nose, and inhale the beautiful smell. A great start to my day! My colleagues and friends constantly comment that I smell good. I’ve converted many of them :)”

Marianne S | East London

“The moment I applied the serum I knew I loved it! My hubby loves the smell! He says I smell provocative 😉 This really is the best anti-ageing serum I’ve used and I’m sticking to it. Please don’t stop making it.”


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Repeat Orders Within 3 Months


Ingredients in skincare that provide exceptional quality, offer a range of benefits, and work effectively for everyone.

ELIXIR333™ is a versatile product enhanced with state-of-the-art skincare ingredients, including distilled rose otto essential oil, multi-molecular hyaluronic acid, advanced copper peptides, exclusive active fruit & floral extracts, next-generation marine stem cells, and meticulously distilled botanical oils.

ORGANIC & WILDCRAFTEDELIXIR333™ boasts a natural formulation, featuring ingredients sourced from organic cultivation and wild harvests. I collaborate with small production farmers to procure top-quality ingredients, ensuring the most potent, handcrafted product for you. My focus is on superior quality ingredients – not elaborate, expensive packaging. I only use cruelty-free practices to ensure that my product maintains a high frequency.

Achieving perfection requires the elements of time, patience, and skill … alchemy in a bottle.


  • Rose Damascena Otto Hydrosol
  • Aloe Indica Royle
  • Enhanced Copper Peptides
  • Multi-Molecular Encapsulated Hyaluronic Acid : Complex7
  • Next-Generation Marine Stem Cell Matrix
  • Essential Amino Acid Ferment
  • Steam Distilled Rose Otto Essential Oil
  • Steam Distilled Neroli Essential Oil : Aurantium Amara
  • Steam Distilled Myristicaceae
  • Steam Distilled Italian Helichrysum
  • Steam Distilled Mimosa Absolute
  • Litchi Chinensis Extract
  • Rheum Officinale Extract
  • Peony Root Extract
  • Tahitian Vanilla Extract
  • Steam Distilled Cedarwood Essential Oil

● Paraben free ● No artificial colours ● No artificial scents ● No GMO-sourced ingredients ● NOTHING Synthetic