Reality vs Imagination – The Difference


reality vs imagination

Imagination (4D – inner world) and reality (3D – outer world) are fundamentally the same. When you were born, you didn’t differentiate between the two; everything was simply one experience. As a baby, your feelings were immediate, but you didn’t have complex thoughts that created distinctions. It’s our thinking mind that separates imagination from reality, often creating a divide between the past, present, and future.

As you grow, your thoughts shape your beliefs and create a sense of separation. Imagination can be seen as a quicker version of reality—like vapor, it exists but isn’t immediately visible. Reality, on the other hand, is imagination slowed down enough for you to perceive it.

In childhood, your perception of time was fluid; you didn’t distinguish between past, present, and future. As thoughts begin to accumulate, they create a kind of barrier that disrupts the natural flow of consciousness. Think of this as throwing rocks into a river, which creates obstructions. These blocks form our perception of time—days, months, years—making everything feel slower.

In imagination, everything happens instantaneously, whereas in reality, we perceive time passing. You might think that something you imagined doesn’t manifest immediately, but it actually does—it’s just moving towards you at a different pace.

Reality is just a slowed down version of your imagination.

When you focus on thoughts about the past or future, you create more barriers that make it seem like time is passing. However, everything you desire is already on its way to you; you just need to recognize that it exists in this moment.

To manifest what you want more quickly, you need to let go of the mental blocks that slow down your consciousness. The more you concentrate on time, the slower everything feels. You can shift this by being present in the moment. Focus on your surroundings, engage your senses, and allow yourself to be fully where you are.

Meditation is a great practice to help clear your mind. Start with just five to ten minutes a day. With practice, you’ll become better at quieting your thoughts. The more you create space between your thoughts, the faster you can manifest what you desire.

When you’re truly engaged in an activity you love, time seems to disappear. This is because you’re fully present, allowing the flow of consciousness to move more freely through you. Instead of thinking you’re moving towards something, recognize that things are coming to you.

By mastering the art of being present and quieting your mind, you’ll find that manifesting becomes easier and faster. Don’t worry about specific desires; focus on enhancing your ability to be present, and everything you want will flow to you.